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The prices shown on this web site are subject to change without notice. E&OE.
All prices are shown in Australian Dollars including Goods and Service Tax (GST) which is currently 10% of the price excluding GST.
To determine the price excluding GST the price shown on the website should be divided by 1.10.
Pricing is relevant ONLY to sales within Australia from Howard Instruments Pty Ltd.
Pricing of the same products set in other countries may vary from a direct conversion using exchange rates, due to local issues such as modifications, additions, taxes, duties etc to meet local conditions.
Howard Instruments Pty Ltd sets its own prices. Our dealers may price products differently.
At Howard Instruments Pty Ltd we endeavour to minimize pricing changes, however our pricing is influenced by the performance of the Australian dollar, the prices set by our manufacturers and the cost of maintaining a viable business.